Hi there

Everyone I know seems to have a blog about something . The ones that I've read have all been interesting, don't get me wrong. Fair play they're writing cool stuff. But it made me consider whether or not I had anything interesting to write about, then I got up, went to the bathroom, opened and emptied my stoma bag, put a barrier spray on my bleeding skin and took some painkillers. Could be a good starting point I guess. I'm Amy, hi. I have Crohn's Disease and was diagnosed at the age of 12. I'm 23 now. During this time I've earned a fair few scars and a stoma bag, I call him Samwise. He's alright. Talks shit. No worse than my friends. So I thought maybe I'd give it a go, writing about hospitals and diets and pain and the awkward conversations that come about and the embarrassing situations that I'd probably prefer nobody knew about, but equally, would love to read about so I didn't feel so alone. For now, I'll just introduce you thoug...