A Nice Little Poop Anecdote.
I haven't wrote anything for a little while as I've been super busy, so I thought instead I'd just put a nice little anecdote about a time where Samwise didn't behave himself to make you laugh on a Monday afternoon. Going to do my best at story telling here, so bear with me. It was around 11am on a Thursday. Or a Tuesday. Probably. I was in a lecture on facebook talking to other people in the lecture, on facebook. I started to feel the burning on my stomach that happens when the bag starts to lose it's seal, meaning that some output is getting onto a tiny bit of my skin, and since a stoma output has a high level of acid in it, it can really hurt. So anyway, when I felt this I figured I best go to the toilets and check that shit out (ha). Luckily there's rarely any girls in the toilets near my lecture halls, as girls don't seem to want to build circuit boards and play with buttons on desks. So I stood over the toilet, and got my stuff ready to do a quick ...