More FAQ

I haven't wrote anything for a while because I keep thinking of topics that I want to write about, but I can't really get into it. And I don't want to half arse any, because if I'm going to do that, then I may as well not write it, you know? So I've opted for a pretty safe topic of more frequently asked questions.

Since starting this blog, I realise I've kind of taken a mental note of more stuff that's happened like, 'totally mention that in the blog'. So these few questions are the things that I've noticed come up more often.

 What does a stoma look like? It took me a while to get brave enough to look at a stoma before I had one, because I was so worried it was going to be hideous. And yeah, they're not PRETTY, but they're also not awful. It's kind of like a tongue but without taste buds. If anyone is curious but hesitant to google it (because obviously we all know that's when you get the worst possible images first) then here's a link to a fairly typical looking stoma - hello I am a stoma

Can you ever have it changed back? Nope. Some people can. It depends on the reason why you've had to have a stoma, and what part of your digestive system it comes from and how much is remaining inside of you etc. My stoma is an end ileostomy. Ileostomy means that it comes from my ileum, not my colon (which would make a colostomy) and end is pretty much as it suggests, the end of your digestive system. Otherwise it would be a loop, a loop is when it can be reconnected back up to normal pooing methods. Another very important reason as to why it can't be changed back is that I don't have a butthole. There would be nowhere for poop to go. They got rid of that, because it got ill too. And since they did, I've been so so much healthier. Which is you know, nice.

Can you still wee normally? Yeesssss. It's a totally different part of your body, they're not connected. I can pee. Although it was bloody painful for a bit after that butt removal surgery.

Would you hypothetically ever have it reversed if you had the choice? This is a really tough question to actually explain to people, because, no. I wouldn't. It's difficult to explain because I'm not entirely sure I understand why myself. If I ever figure it out, I'll let you know. I just know I am okay this way. It's fine. It's so normal for me now. And honestly I only ever have bad memories of pooing.

And the last question for today, do dogs still sniff your bum? Nope, they sniff my tummy. I used to find this hilarious. There's no point in them sniffing my butt, there's no information for them there to pick up on haha. It all stops at my middle.

So can someone please give me some idea of what to write about so I don't have to write several pages on dumb questions my friends ask me, pleaseeeee.

Love and shit x


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