
Somebody I know messaged me and suggested that I write a post about the symptoms of Crohn's Disease, because if I'd have known them when I was younger then there's every chance I wouldn't have got this ill. And isn't the entire point of this blog to raise awareness anyway?

So, here goes. This is every symptom I've ever experienced, what it felt like, how long it lasted, and anything else I can think that might help anybody, at all. I'd like to point out, that my symptoms were massively severe, as I have a really bad case. Not everyone will experience stuff to this degree.

So when I was 11, I poo'd like, constantly. Obviously I didn't just wake up one day and suddenly have to go 30 times. It was a gradual development. Which is what makes you get used to it, think it's more normal than it is. This is going to get descriptive. So it's not just a runny poo. Occasionally it's a runny poo. With blood and mucus in it. But after the 5th one of the day, it gets sore. You get sores all around your anus, that bleed when you push. Because even though it's super runny, it's not coming easily. Even though two seconds ago you thought you were about to shit yourself and had to literally run to get there in time. Then also a lot of the time, nothing will come out. You'll strain and strain, but nothing will come out. Except maybe a bit of blood. You'll also get well adapted to the position of putting your head between your knees, as it's the least painful position. You'll find yourself spending twenty minutes in the toilet trying to get up the courage to literally clench again, because it will make you want to scream.

The stomach cramps. This is another big one. They're not constant. They last between 30 seconds and 2 minutes when they come, and they can get to the stages of being debilitating. I still have trouble describing these to people. The closest I have got is to say that it's like being punched and stabbed whilst somebody takes an electric whisk to your insides. Although that still doesn't cover it. When these pains get severe, I can't hide that they're happening. You'll know. I tend to close my eyes and forget to breathe for a bit.

Ulcers are a very common one, but only if your Crohn's Disease is active in your mouth. They're next level ulcers, I think my record was 14 at once. Kinda sore.

I've obviously mentioned fatigue before, but that's a big one too. Currently suffering from it quite a bit. It's taken me three days to write this blog post so far as I literally don't have the energy, or the concentration (that's another!) to focus on this page.

Those are the main symptoms, other than that there's lesser things such as;
mood swings
hair loss
dry skin
cracked lips
massive and painful spots on arms or legs
back pains
weight gain or loss

I'd like to point out, though that any of these symptoms can be linked to a massive amount of other things. And by no means should you start to panic because your back hurts. I just thought it'd be a good idea to write this post after it was suggested to me. I'm sorry that it's a pretty boring one, I don't have the concentration for this right now. Maybe the posts will get more interesting when I finally start my new medication - who knows?

Love and shit x


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